This site was created to help users see and access the park's rereational areas and trails.
The Places of Interest widget allows users to navigate through some of the lake's major places of interest.
The Trail Search widget allows users to filter the trails by activity, either Hiking, Biking, or Horseback Riding.
The Layers widget allows users to toggle the map layers on/off. Map layers include: Places of Interest, Hazard ID, Comfort Stations, Access Areas, Pavilions, Boat Launches, Trail Mile Markers, Trails, and Park Boundary. Layers that are grayed-out are not visible at that scale. Zooming in will turn on additional layers.
The Basemaps widget allows the user to change the basemap background between aerial, topographic, or street map variations.
The Create Hazard ID widget allows users to share information with the park and other users about potential hazards that are encountered. Some examples could be trail repair, overflowing garbage, or broken facilities. To create an entry, select the severity level of hazard encountered, and click the location on the map to where it was encountered. Fill out all information in the form when prompted. Contact information is not shared with the public. To add a photograph to the incident, go back into the editor widget and click 'select'. Select your point on the map and you will then be able to add an attachment to the point.
The Legend widget shows users what the symbols on the map mean.